Two Tips for Constructing Buildings That Will Last
Posted on: 30 August 2018
If you want the building you plan to construct to remain standing for several decades, here are some tips that you should keep in mind during the construction process.
Use fire protection products when constructing the building
If you don't take the right precautions when constructing the building, a fire that occurs in the future could destroy the entire structure in under an hour. As such, if you are determined to ensure that your new building stands the test of time, it is essential to use fire protection products during the construction process.
Fire protection products won't necessarily eliminate the possibility of the building being damaged by a fire; however, they can help to reduce the severity of the damage that the heat and smoke causes. For example, using fire-resistant cladding will mean that if a fire breaks out near the exterior of the building, the firefighters will have more time to extinguish the flames before they spread and inflict serious damage, as it will take quite a while for the cladding to start to burn.
Additionally, fire protection products like wall cavity barriers can help to contain a fire to a specific room in the building (and thus reduce the likelihood of the building sustaining extensive and irreparable structural damage that could shorten its lifespan).
Make sure the soil below the foundation is non-expansive
One of the best ways to ensure that your building endures for many years to come is to build it on non-expansive soil (that is, soil which does not swell and shrink in accordance with its moisture content). If you construct your building on expansive soil, your foundation will sustain damage every time the soil expands during a bout of rain, and then contracts when the rain stops and it starts to dry out. This soil movement will lead to the gradual collapse of the foundation. This is the type of problem which could result in the premature demise of your building, as a damaged foundation will usually lead to the framework shifting and the walls then cracking.
Given this, if the soil where your foundation will be constructed turns out to be expansive, you should replace it with a non-expansive variety before proceeding with the construction work. Whilst this may be expensive and may add a couple of extra weeks to the length of your construction project, it is worth doing, as it could extend the lifespan of your building by several years.